
Welcome to the Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory Clinical Translational Research, also known as the CAM Center. Learn more about cognitive aging, our mission, and our research, education and community activities.

About the Center

The CAM Center is a multidisciplinary UF research center focused on brain aging and cognition. CAM Center researchers come from departments and colleges across campus and possess diverse expertise in the neurobiology of aging, neuroplasticity, physiology, behavior and clinical intervention. The Center's researchers are dedicated to the translation of leading-edge discoveries about brain aging into interventions that will preserve cognitive function and improve quality of life for older adults.

Researcher prepping an older gentleman for an MRI

The Mcknight Legacy

McKnight Brain Research Foundation Logo

Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Research Foundation

In 1999, a generous gift from the McKnight Brain Research Foundation led to a new name for the University of Florida’s Brain Institute — the Evelyn F. & William L. McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida. Evelyn F. McKnight and her husband William M. McKnight were interested in the effects of aging on memory, inspiring the establishment of the foundation as a legacy of support for brain research to alleviate the specific influence of age-related memory loss.

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